VINCE NEIL Concert At Oklahoma State Fair Cut Short By Shooting: 'We Were Told To Get In The Dressing Room'

September 24, 2023

Vince Neil's concert Saturday night (September 23) at the Oklahoma State Fair was cut short after a shooting broke out at the fairgrounds.

The MÖTLEY CRÜE singer and his solo band were ushered into a dressing room at the Chickasaw Country Entertainment Stage when shots were fired during an argument between two groups of people just a few hundred feet away at Bennett Event Center.

"At a concert in Oklahoma City Crazy night last night. 3/4 of the way thru the set people started running," Neil wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"We we're told to get in dressing room. There were shooters shooting people. Thank you fans for your understanding."

"Thankfully we are all okay," he added. "Thanks to everyone who came out. Please stay safe!"

Neil's concert kicked off at 8 p.m. and he was mid-performance when the shooting occurred.

Police said the shooting happened shortly before 9 p.m. when two groups got into an altercation, during which a person pulled out a gun and shot someone. The victim was taken to an area hospital in critical condition.

According to the Associated Press, a suspect was arrested on one charge of assault with a deadly weapon.

Oklahoma City police Lt. Jeff Cooper said Sunday they initially took two people into custody and later released one of the suspects.

"It was an isolated incident between two groups of juveniles," Scott Munz, a spokesman for the fair, said.

"There was another incident with another person that had fired off some rounds into the air," Oklahoma City police Capt. Valerie Littlejohn said. "We did get two people in custody. We're trying to determine their involvement. It is believed one of those is the shooter and is the suspect in this incident."

According to News 9, the Oklahoma State Fair has a policy prohibiting guns, and the entrances have detectors. It is unknown how the person involved with this shooting was able to bring a firearm into the fair.

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